
Phase 2

  • You will gain an in-depth understanding to several important new 3 Dimensional Brainspotting concepts using the “Z-Axis” of Brainspotting
  • Take the new learned techniques into your practice immediately after training
  • Meet like-minded individuals and share an incredible, rich, connected, inspiring learning journey
  • International accredited certification
  • Training is fully credited towards CPD hours and certification
  • Receive a free follow up group supervision integration session from the trainer

Begin your Brainspotting training

  • Trainings are valid internationally
  • Phase 2 introduces advanced techniques for complex traumas

About phase 2 training

This Brainspotting Phase 2 training will take you to the next level of understanding and integrating the healing power that Brainspotting brings to the work you do.

Beginning with an extensive review of Outside/Inside Window with an emphasis on how to clinically interact with clients during Brainspotting and an in-depth Q & A group discussions on anything that has come up so far in your Brainspotting journeys. You will then learn refinements of the process including how and when to titrate activation up or down.

Trainees will be introduced to several important new 3 Dimensional Brainspotting concepts using the “Z-Axis” of Brainspotting close and far and Convergence Therapy which expands the Z-Axis to activate the vagus nerve through the ocularcardiac reflex.

By the end of this incredible 3 day training you will…

Have a greater knowledge, experience and understanding of Brainspotting and it’s phenomenal capabilities and be able to utilise the following New techniques to take straight into your practice

One eye Brainspotting

Using “one-eyed Brainspotting” Allows the client and therapist to zero in on either the left or right hemisphere of the brain when the increased focus is needed. Not only does one-eyed Brainspotting apply to help with anxiety, depression, and detachment it has also helped reduce symptoms from conditions like chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia and ADHD

Biolateral sound

You will use “Biolateral sound” to learn and experience how the use of bilateral music with clients can enhance the Brainspotting process.

Rolling Brainspotting

The technique of “Rolling Brainspotting” entails slow eye tracking with stopping briefly on each Outside Window or Inside window Brainspot and holding on to it for a brief period. It can be used at any time, either in starting with an issue or in switching over from another process already in use. One of the challenges of using Brainspotting can be that it can take time to locate the Brainspots, especially Inside Window, there are situations where sufficient time or opportunity is not available for the full set-up. The sacrifice of the power of full deconditioning is compensated by the ease, speed and dynamic effect of Rolling Brainspotting, finding this to be a powerful method to quickly activate deep processing.

Z Axis of Brainspotting, Convergence Therapy

For you Brainspotting to this point has essentially been 2-dimensional (X and Y axes) as opposed to EMDR which is essentially 1-dimensional (left/right on the X axis). In this training “Z axis Brainspotting” will be introduced, using close/far eye movements activates the ocular-cardiac reflex which causes the vagus nerve to slow the heart rate. Oftentimes highly dissociative clients who were non-responders to other approaches and techniques, respond surprisingly well to the Z axis approach.

Meet the Trainer

Dr. Mark Grixti

UK and International Brainspotting Trainer

Mark is a Chartered Clinical Psychologist, systemic therapist and EMDR consultant based in Sussex, United Kingdom.

Mark is a Master UK and International Brainspotting Trainer. His work in the field spans all ages and both online and in person approaches, all of which he brings to rich and diverse BSPUK Trainings.

He is also an experienced Consultant in Brainspotting offering consultation also known as supervision in the UK, including online group consultation, which is popular for its richness in theory, diversity and its clinical application.

He is qualified and experienced in child, family and adult therapy. Mark specialises in attachment, abuse, and complex trauma.

He is a University lecturer, facilitates group programs and supervises Clinical Psychologists and therapists from related disciplines. He also provides consultation to Health, Education, Media and Social Care institutions.  Mark has a range of publications, as well as his successful podcast, Awe In Trauma.

upcoming trainings

Phase 2

April 11 - April 13 2025
Online - Live
  • Friday - Sunday
  • 10:00 am - 06:00 pm BST
  • via Zoom
£ 520 £ 490
Early Bird Discount: 10% until Mar 12, 2025

Phase 2

Dec 05 - Dec 07 2025
Online - Live
  • Friday - Sunday
  • 10:00 am - 06:00 pm GMT
  • via Zoom
£ 520 £ 490
Early Bird Discount: 10% until Nov 05, 2025

All you need to know

How many phases of Brainspotting Training are there?

There are 4 Brainspotting Phases, Masterclasses and specialised workshops. 

What are the requirements to get certified in Brainspotting?

Can Brainspotting therapy be used to shift physical pain?

What’s happening in the client’s brain when they are processing deeply?

How can I use Brainspotting to take my practice to the next level of healing?

Will Phase 2 Training count towards my Brainspotting certification?

How can I best engage and facilitate processing with clients on the autistic spectrum?

What happens if I miss a day or a session?

Why do I feel these feelings in my body when I am Brainspotting with a client and what can I do with it?

Training Feedback

“I loved the human aspect. I enjoyed listening to Mark who makes things simple and accessible. I also enjoyed the fact the from all over the world we were together”

“Brainspotting has revolutionised my practice. I have used it daily since my phase 1 in June 2020. I used the advanced resource model today with a very traumatised client, they we’re able to safely access the trauma and made immense progress”

“It’s been a real privilege to have been able to join. It feels like the team has a very warm open relaxed connection and I feel really sort of carried along the way. Thank you so much. This method is awesome and the resonance and warmth of heart jumps straight from the screen”

“Simply the best training I have ever done. Mark and the team at BSPUK are amazingly approachable and knowledgeable”.

“Key messages of ‘less is more’ – wait, wait and wait some more is very helpful for me. I’m aware I often work too hard or talk too much as a therapist. The pace was perfect. It felt as though we were given enough time to ask questions and practice techniques”

"I found Mark Grixti to be both incredibly wise, knowledgeable and humble, an all too rare combination in training professionals. I felt like I was able to understand everything conveyed, both intellectually and emotionally, which was important to me as I don't come from a degree level or Psychology background."