Professional Directory

Registry Disclosure Note to all Readers:

The Brainspotting UK website provides a professional directory to assist you in locating a practitioner who has been trained in the Brainspotting modality. All those listed in this directory are independent practitioners.

The Brainspotting UK organisation does not provide therapy itself, and does not endorse, guarantee, or warrant the credentials, work, abilities or opinions of any individual practitioner. It does not provide any assurances or warranties regarding the suitability of a practitioner for your needs or the outcome of any treatment.

This directory is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis or treatment. In no event shall this service be liable to you or anyone else for any decision or action taken in reliance on information provided by this professional directory or for the actions of any of the listed practitioners.

This directory does not list all of the practitioners who may use the Brainspotting modality as part of their practice.

I agree, take me to the directory.